Physiotherapy Haarlem-Oost

Contact us


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How are things going when you contact us?

  • Either call us or send us an email to make an appointment. With or without a reference from your GP. Would you like to see us in case of a serious illness or after a trauma, a referral from your doctor or GP is mandatory.
  • Please check your health insurance for physiotherapy.
  • You will receive an intake form at your first appointment and a paramedical examination to determine what your health problem is. We will plan treatments accordingly.
  • Sometimes a short (trial) treatment will take place and we will give some advice.
  • All data will be entered into our systems by your therapist, and your health insurance will be checked at Vecozo.
  • An evaluation will take place after a number of treatments and if necessary a letter will be send to your doctor after completion of treatments.

Your first appointment? Please bring the following:

  • A large bath towel.
  • Your identification, e.g. passport, driving license.
  • A list of medication you currently use.
  • An overview of important medical facts about your health problem, for example information about surgeries or previous medical examination, like MRI, Xray.
  •  A referral from your doctor or GP when applicable.