Physiotherapy Haarlem-Oost

Running and walking coaching

Home » Running and walking coaching

Running indoors

We do a full body video analysis on a treadmill, this can happen during running or walking. The analysis of the video will be discussed. We will give guidelines to adapt the way you run or walk. For example when you:

  • Want to run faster
  • Want to walk easier
  • Want to improve your technique
  • Want to prevent injuries
  • Want to recover from an injury
  • Want to continue to train in a healthy way


Please note: a complete running analyses takes about an hour and is not covered by physiotherapy. This is however, most of the time, covered when a short analysis is made for patients with walking injuries that are already receiving treatment from us.

Running outdoors

To create an in-depth analysis outdoors is possible. We walk along the Spaarne, in the Hout and through the dunes. Suitable for:

  • Nordic Walkers
  • Hikers
  • Runners

We use near our clinical examination measurements:

  1. video analysis,
  2. run-easi
  3. stryd